Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wonderful days..

Wonderful days like today are rare. When you get to meet old friends. Share gossip. Talk about past and future. Meet their mini-versions, running around on small feet.

Dhanya got married today. Giving us 25K girls a chance to meet up again.

Congrats Dhanya on getting married. Wish you and Deepak a wonderful life together.

And thanks to both of you from all of us for giving a chance to re-unite :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Isn't it nice?

What you can do today, don't keep it for tomorrow. Ha ha ha.

I am not being philosophical. I tried this and it really felt nice.

I emailed a long lost friend. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a response. But when the email alert popped up on my screen, I felt exalted. Seriously!

Reminiscing, recollecting, relishing those memories. We mailed each other about things that were, and things that are. And I truly want her to be part of things that will come.

Who said cyber world kills friendships? I don't think it is true. In fact calling her up seemed so difficult. Explaining what my life is now, asking questions about her life. Excuses for the long gap in between. All that were major hurdles which stopped me from calling. But what the heck! A two-line email sorted out all that.

If you are reading this (doesn't matter if you are a stranger), I want you to send an email to a friend. A long lost one, preferably.

And when their reply pops up on your screen, a smile spreads on your face. Isn't it a nice feeling?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Long time, no see...

It has been a very very very long time since I wrote something. Apart from the contribution to our in-house newsletter or the odd rephrasing of a paragraph, I haven't written anything.

That is not a major loss, considering the fact that I am no published author. And I don't have a fanfare awaiting my next work (Thank God for small favours :D).

65 years of independence, has blessed me with the power to speak freely.

So here I go. From today on, I will write something every time a silly thought occurs. Even if it is only me who is going to read it.

My thoughts today.... How come the most implausible relationships work out?

Where everyone saw doom, some couples managed to work it out. I'm unashamed to say, I am JEALOUS!!! And congratulations to all of you, who achieved it :)

Me and my dreams

One fine day... I had this absolutely brilliant idea that I should learn baking. Sophie Kinsella's books, Nigella Lawson's cooker...