Monday, February 15, 2010

Die another day

Note : This story is based on real characters and incidents.

I paced the perimeter of the enclosure. I couldn't believe it. Tonight I had lost my reputation of being untouchable. This time I had crossed the limits I had set for myself. I had known I was playing with danger. But then what is life without a little danger and the excitement that comes with it. Many a time I had come across touch and go situations. But I had never been caught. This was my first time. I tried not to panic. I took deep breaths and settled into a corner of the enclosure.

I thought about Houdini and his skills. I wish I had read up on him. I wish I had allowed myself the luxury of browsing through few pages on the tricks of guys like him, who could get out of any kind of traps or enclosures. Being the sole bread winner of a big family I couldn't risk wasting time on such trivialities.

I thought about my family. In few more hours they will be expecting my return. They will worry about me and then they will worry about food. Cant blame them. That is basic nature. More than personal loss they would worry about survival. My wife would have to take up my role. She will have to take care of my blind parents and kids. How many were there?? Last time I counted there were 12. But no knowing, how many strays my wife had picked up. She was a softie when it came to kids.

The panic rose again. It was like an invisible force around my neck trying to strangle me. I stood up and extended myself to my full height, which was not much. I was short as compared to the standards. But then I never cared. I had taken up my deficiency in height as a challenge. I had worked hard to build a reputation for myself. I wouldn't be bragging if I said that I am somewhat a legend amongst people who know me. I chuckled to myself. Seems like my enemies know that too. Why else would they go to such lengths for an execution? The operation was well planned. It was obvious that they had been watching my movements for a while now. I was sure there were at least two people involved. This was not the kind of thing you can organize single-handedly. And I was glad too. It would have dented my pride if I was captured by a single one. It was something to be proud of. Except that I knew I wouldn't be getting out of here to brag about this adventure.

I looked around. Three of the walls were solid wood. There were small gaps in between; but they were too small. Above and below was the same wood but without gaps. The entrance was a slanting meshed gate, which could be operated only from outside. Artificial light was streaming in through the entrance and the gaps on either side. Too much light. Too much brightness. When I thought about the end of this adventure, the light seemed a depressing factor. I might not live to see another day in sunlight. I might not see my wife and kids. I stopped that train of thought. There was no point in going there. It would only make me more desperate.

I snuggled up in a corner and tried to sleep. Better to be bright and fresh during the last hours of life. As I drifted of scenes from my childhood flashed past. Growing up in a small house with lots of siblings around. It was always a survival of the fittest. Though small in demeanor I managed to stay ahead of my brothers and sisters.

I didn't always play by rules. But then I was a loyal guy. Had fallen in love with a female, managed few flings in between and then married another one. She was the right kind of wife any guy could find. Patient, good at taking care and the best part was that she never asked questions. No nagging from her. I don't know whether I love her, but then I couldn't live without her. So maybe there was some kind of affection that had bloomed between us. At my wedding, many had made fun of us. They said that we make a cute and tiny pair. I wouldn't say I took the 'tiny' part to heart, but then I sired 12 little ones and proved that we were no tiny pair. Oh no. We had 12 little ones to prove that. With the pride swelling my heart, I slept peacefully forgetting the impending danger.

Voices woke me from slumber. There were three of them. Yippee!!! My guess was right. Three of them had to pitch in to capture me. Not bad. I gave myself a pat on the back. But then I froze. My fate was being decided. Their conversation was no light-hearted banter. They were discussing cold blooded murder.

One suggested drowning. The other said poisoning. The third one kept quiet and watched me. The first one was getting impatient and wanted to know the action plan. The second one was contemplating the possibility of burying me alive. I tried to tune out the conversation. Brave as I was, I couldn't listen to the possible causes of my death impassively. How could they be so heartless, I wondered. Ironically they were all women. Women are known for their forgiving nature and sympathy for ones in trouble. There was no trace of sympathy in their voices. Some breed of women!!

The third one spoke up slowly and reluctantly. Why don't we take him some where far and let him free? Hope sprang up somewhere inside me.I listened intently to the other two. They were talking in raised voices. Are you crazy? We planned this capture for so long and now you want to set him free? Do you have any idea about the losses we have suffered because of this pest? Do you want to go through all of it again? Throughout the torrent the third one kept quiet. At the end of it she advocated for me, strongly and passionately. The other two gave in. They were not happy about it. But then the third one had picked on the moral side of their actions. Committing murder was not a good thing. So they decided to let me go.

They transported the enclosure to another location, far away from their base and opened the door. I scrambled out, turned around to look at them and thanked them with all my heart. My Charlie's angels. They watched me scamper into the gutter, wondering what the squeaking was all about.

My heart was soaring. I was lost. That was OK. I was alive. And that is what mattered. I could find my way to our mouse-hole, even if I had to travel all the way from Alaska.

I was to live today. And die another day.

1 comment:

Me and my dreams

One fine day... I had this absolutely brilliant idea that I should learn baking. Sophie Kinsella's books, Nigella Lawson's cooker...