Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Musings #2

A familiar question at every wake of life - 'What are your achievements?'.

Today I heard my colleague referring to a couple who dedicated their lives to the vocation of teaching. They had helped kids to learn and develop. To make something out of themselves. But my colleague thinks that they have not achieved anything in life.

That left me pondering over the question. What about me? Have I achieved anything?

What are the standards for assessing your achievements? What are the kind of achievements that matter? Is it the physical assets and monetary value of them that should be considered as achievements? Or is it the less tangible ones like friendship and family bonding that matters? Or maybe its the spiritual achievements that are important.

The question is simple. But who can answer it.

1 comment:

  1. I can answer...but I won't. Do what you want to do.. :-p


Me and my dreams

One fine day... I had this absolutely brilliant idea that I should learn baking. Sophie Kinsella's books, Nigella Lawson's cooker...