Monday, December 7, 2009


Of all the major events in life, there is only one which really scares me.


It is one which cannot be postponed. The one which arrives totally unexpected. The one which leaves you totally disoriented.

The violence of death is not in the fact that the person has died. It is in the permanence of their disappearance. They leave this world for ever; their virtues and vices disappear from the face of this world forever. You are left with a lot of memories. And they are just that, memories. You cannot share your them with anyone.

If ever you want someone else, to know abt this human being who had passed the face of this earth, you are left with nothing but words. Mayb a few photographs. Their voice, their smell, their words, their gestures, their passions, their dreams are all lost.

For as long as you live, you will miss their presence in your life. Nothing in this world, can give you another chance to see them again. To just listen to their voice or watch them smile.

Years later when you attempt to recollect you realise that you have forgotten what their voice was like. You try to snatch at your memories, to recollect small things about this person who was once dear to you.

But all that was theirs is lost. Lost to the all-engulfing power of death.

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