Friday, December 4, 2009


I hear the drizzle outside, and my heart jumps with joy
The rain drops touch the parched ground,
The smell of their first touch wafts to me.
And I lose myself in the senses they awaken.

I want to go out and get wet.
I want to feel the feather touch of the droplets on me.

Along with the thunder and the lightning,
I want to be a witness to the earth and rain, making love.

It is so intense, you cannot help but feel it tugging at your heart.
The long wait of the earth for the arrival of the clouds.

The anticipation of the pleasure that it brings.
The disappointment it feels when the clouds pass on without the showers.

And oh! when it rains, the desire with which the rain engulfs the earth,
Would wash away all those scars of longing.
The sensuality of their love would make anyone jealous.

How completely the earth submits to the downpour.
How thoroughly the rain touches and heals the earth.
And the beauty of the earth after the rain,
Is the testimony to their passion.

The green so luscious and alluring,
It could only be the earth blushing in after-thought.
The rain fighting a losing battle with the sun,
To spend few more moments, touching the earth.

Even after the rain is long gone,
The last drops cling on to the leaves, refusing to let go of the memory.

And I start my wait for the next showers,
To watch them come together again.

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